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Audit View

At a glance, users can now quickly access a list of all draft content in their workspace along with corresponding details. With Audit View, we've created a single convenient locale for all your draft project needs!

What is Audit View?

Currently, the Audit View page is a separate link existing outside of the Papercurve application (this page will be accessible natively in an upcoming release). The link will be titled as the customer's workspace URL followed by /audit.


Manage ongoing projects by being able to see which content is still in progress.

This page will display a table view list of only and all content in the draft state. There are 5 column fields listed along with each content:

  1. Job Number
  2. Title of Content
  3. Uploader/Owner
  4. Library
  5. Upload Date (upload date of most recent content version)
  6. Approval Status

The default order of content is presented from newest job number at the top to oldest job number at the bottom. Users will also have the ability to sort each column according to the field (Alphabetical, Chronological, Uploader, Library, etc). Users can also click on a draft content (or the View hyperlink button) to access the main document viewer via a new tab. This is regardless of whether the user is part of the review team. The user can also use the download option to export the table.

Who has Access to Audit View?

Admin users are the only users who have access to the Audit View page. Users with an Author, Viewer, or Observer permission will not have access and will be presented with an error message indicating lack of permission to view the page.

Audit View allows Admin users to view all draft documents and access them without being a part of the review team.

If you need further assistance, please submit a Ticket or contact your Customer Success Specialist directly.