Knowing who is in charge of your project results in greater clarity and attention to focus on the task at hand. Similarly, staying informed about who the project lead is provides immense insight into which stage of a content's lifecycle your team is at. The Owner field provides the transparency needed for review teams to operate successfully.
How it Works
By default, the user who first uploads a new draft document will auto-populate as the Owner of the content. The Owner field will be visible within a document's Content Properties on the right-hand sidepanel. To change ownership to another user, only the Owner or another Admin user can click into the document's content properties to edit the field.
Note: The Owner does NOT change when new versions of a document are uploaded. Ownership can only be transferred from the Content Properties window.
Transferring Ownership
Only the current Owner or an Admin user can edit this field when editing content properties. Other users will see the current owner in a read-only state.
To transfer ownership, click a document's Content Properties from the sidebar panel and select a new Owner from the dropdown button. Once ownership has been changed, both the existing owner and new owner will receive an email alert about the change in ownership.
Ownership can only be transferred to those who:
- have an Author or Admin role (Viewers cannot become Owners)
- have access to the Library the content resides in
- user status must be active (not deactivated or pending)
Functionality between an Author and Viewer
It is important to note that Admins and Authors can become content Owners, but Viewers cannot. If an Owner of a document is changed from an author to another user, the previous user will not be able to make edits to the Content field (unless they are an Admin).