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Papercurve Frequently Asked Questions

What is Papercurve and how can it help my team?

Papercurve is a cloud software company that simplifies promotional reviews for regulated industries including pharmaceuticals and cannabis. Papercurve can help your company in the review process by bringing structure and content control in a simple and centralized manner. Learn more about Papercurve' s features here


What are the technical requirements for Papercurve?

Unlike other content review platforms on the market, setting up Papercurve is seamless. Our Papercurve team sets up each client with their own personal installation of the platform. This means no need to recruit 3rd party technical services or complete internal development work on your own.

The only thing you need to get started on Papercurve is the latest version of your operating system and a web browser.

Please note: Papercurve works on the latest versions of: Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge. Papercurve is not optimized for smartphones. Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 is not supported.


What is the on-boarding process for new clients?

The Papercurve platform is tailored to meet the unique needs of every client. Our team of Customer Success specialists work directly with you to introduce you to our platform, determine what your needs are, and design an on-boarding process from there.

Your dedicated Customer Success specialist will be available to perform data migration tasks, provide one-on-one training and support and share best practices to take your content review workflow to the next level.


How can I import my existing content review material into Papercurve?

Every client is unique so the best way to import existing content review materials into Papercurve is working with your dedicated Customer Success specialist to customize a solution during the on-boarding process.

This can be as easy as uploading the materials on your own or handing it off your Customer Success specialist to get completed for you.


What type of content and file formats are accepted on the Papercurve platform?

Papercurve currently supports PDFs and modern Office documents such as .docx, .pdf, .xslx, .pptx (size limit 100MB). Papercurve also supports legacy Microsoft Office documents ending in .doc, ppt or xls.

For videos, Papercurve accepts the following file types listed here (size limit of 500MB)

If you are having any issues with your file or size, please reach out to your dedicated Customer Success specialist who can help optimize your file.


Help, I am unable to login! What do I do?

If you are experiencing any kind of login issues – you may have to reset your password.

In some cases, if you have been invited to review a document but you have not set up your Papercurve profile, you will need to go through the reset password process to get started.

Please note: Your initial Papercurve invitation email will be valid for 24 hours – after 24 hours your invitation token will expire. If your invitation token is no longer active, you will have to follow the reset password guide to get started.

If you need further assistance, please submit a Ticket or contact your Customer Success Specialist directly