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Papercurve - Release Notes

This article contains release notes for the following versions:


Released on April 5, 2024

What's new:

-Share link migration update

-Comment annotation render update

Papercurve CRM Verified Email

- Users can now request multiple unique email signatures to their workspace

- Users can select an email signature from a team list while creating an email campaign

-Cosmetic UI updates


Released on December 16, 2023

What's new:

Papercurve Office

- Build Office Documents from Scratch

Papercurve CRM Verified Email

- Cosmetic UI updates

- Pagination for Email Screen

- Preview Generated Verified Emails

- Manually Send Verified Emails

- Subscription Management by Segments Lists

- White Labelling Share Links with Company Logos


Released on  November 3rd 2023

What’s New:

- Papercurve Office - Fully edit your office documents, spreadsheets, power point presentations on Papercurve!

- Papercurve CRM Verified Email - Orchestrate effective communications through Papercurve and leverage our content creation and reviewing tools for commercial operations.

- Papercurve Teams - Segregate departments, team's customer data to effectively manage sales strategies and customer relations.

- Share link analytics fixes


Released on October 19th 2023

What’s New:

- Simplified placeholder text for content structured authoring

- Display adjustments for an enhanced viewing experience

- Improved drag behaviour for pin drop references and comments


Released on July 21st 2023

What’s New:

- Reference Traceability

- Structured Content Properties


Released on June 1st 2023

What’s New:

- References Panel Update

- Redefine References

- Shifting References

- Change Request/Approved with Changes Behaviour

- Help Navigation menu


Released on April 13th 2023

What’s New:

- Library Bean counter

- Delete individual references

- Paige AI update

-@mentionable Owners

Bug Fixes:

- Ghosting comment/reference pins

- Issues with adding to existing reference highlights and pin drops

- Reference annotation not deleting together when selecting the delete option

- Under certain conditions, comment pin drops appears as reference pin drops.


Released on March 17th 2023

What’s New:

- Migrate Unresolved Comments

- Annotation Layers/Imported Annotation Layer

- Dashboard Favourites

- Editing Comments

Bug Fixes:

- Minor references bug fixes


Released on February 17th 2023

What’s New:

- Structured Content Authoring

Bug Fixes:

- Minor bug fixes


Released on December 22th 2022

What’s New:

- Dashboard


Released on October 21th 2022

What’s New:

- Suppress JOB ID

- Straight to approve

- Workspace search 2.0

- Structured content authoring backend.


Released on September 27th 2022

What’s New:

-Add reference document panel search

- Papercurve user flags

- Papercurve User Tabs and counts

- Review Link copy and resend email options


Released on August 10th 2022

What’s New:

- Audit View Link

- Job ID v2.0


Released on July 19th 2022

What’s New:

- Review Links Feature

-Content Authoring Update

Bug Fixes:

- Minor bug fixes


Released on June 14th 2022

What’s New:

- Image support for Document Generation

Bug Fixes:

- Share link compatibility with Document generation

- Minor bug fixes


Released on May 19th 2022

What’s New:

- Compare Version Updates

- Share Link for Videos

- Audit View Updates

Bug Fixes:

-Mark up tools displayed on older version


Released on May 3rd 2022

What’s New:

- Document Generation

- OKTA log in compatibility

- Intercom Updates

Bug Fixes:

-Intercom chat location fix


Released on March 31st 2022

What’s New:

- Claims Powered by Paige AI

Bug Fixes:

-User deleting references and comments on old versions


Released on March 9th 2022

What’s New:

- Share Link Analytics

- Markup Tools 

- Allow the addition of Attachments for Owners or Admins in the Approved document

- Approved Document Restrictions (Restrict Comments/Versions/References for Owners and Admins only)

Bug Fixes:

- Duplicated E-signature issue

- Intercom Messenger does not show up


Released February 9th 2022

What's New:

- Share Links v1

- Multi Language Bug fixes

Bug Fixes:

- Share link UI issue in safari browser

- A new share link should not be created without label

- Paige AI side panel width

- Share links are gone in old version after uploading a new version


Released December Jan 12th 2022

What's New:

- Paige AI

- Pin Drop references

- References Migration

Bug Fixes:

- Reference side UI panel is broken

- BE changes for Paige 2.0

- Extra scroll bar visible in Reference Document Viewer

- Reference panel doesn't open upon clicking pin drop annotation after migrating references.


Released December 9th 2021

What's New:

- Compare Versions

- Paige - Proof of Concept

Bug Fixes:

- Email on login screen will not be case sensitive

- Replace Back Chevron Icon with Back Arrow Icon

- Left align Papercurve logo and the PDFTron Toolbar content for a more consistent appearance 


Released November 18th 2021

What's New:

- Table View

- Workspace Search

- Warning for User Creation without library

Bug Fixes:

- Intercom tours on Manage Approvals page bug fix

- Side panel will open up once an annotation is clicked on approved/previous comments

- Allow Admin and Author role users to edit Approvers even if they are observers

- Incorrect number of approvals remaining on Approval status bug fix

- View General Comments stamp on downloaded document with Electronic Signature bug fix

- Progress bar will display in side panel for released documents


Released November 4th 2021

What's New:

- Electronic Signature

- PDFTron Upgrade v7.2.0 to v8.1.0

- PDFTron Toolbar update - Document viewer update

- Side Panel Redesign

- Create New Tags in the Workspace

- Approval Date available on Approval Page and Certificate of Approval

Bug Fixes:

- Job numbers not displaying in Audit view or in side panel bug fix

- Width of the search bar and position of the search icon bug fix


Released October 13th 2021

What's New:

- Audit View

- Comments Search & Filter

- Observer Flow Updates 

- KB Article Link on Sign in Page

- Upload New Version button in versions panel

- New content properties for Sales and Marketing Library

Bug Fixes:

- Pointy tail of tooltip alignment bug fix

- Users will be able to upload reference file from References Panel in Draft

- Metadata fields retrieved will be only for the current active document fields group

- Max Length of characters password will be capped at 64 characters


Released September 23rd 2021

What's New:

- Date Reminders

- At-Mentions visibility improvements

- Content Owner

Bug Fixes:

- Scroll bar Styling inconsistency bug fix for Comment Panel on Windows

- Documents uploaded with lengthy filenames causing wide line spacing bug fix


Released September 8th 2021

Bug Fixes:

- Certificate of Approval will include Library name

- Print preview for Certificate of Approval will scale to contain all contents


Released September 7th 2021

What's New:

- Certificate of Approval 

- Print functionality 

- Improved visibility for submitting approval (MVP)

- Ability to save unsent comment

- PDF Forms

- Implementing React Redux for state management

- QA Automation with Cypress

Bug Fixes:

- Uniqueness should be case insensitive when creating Reference ID

- Thumbnails bug fix

- Paige manual linking button fix


Released August 16th 2021

What's New:

- AI-Assisted References

- AI Demo Documents

- Content Alert Notifications

- Due Date Change Alerts

- Intercom Launch(new chat, popups, tours)

Bug Fixes:

- Deleting linked reference documents bug fix

- Highlighted excerpts will be removed when users cancel comment creation

- Only one annotations will be selected in reference viewer

- Highlighted comment annotations will remain after existing the comments panel


Released July 22nd 2021

What's New:

- Rapid References

- Handling Offline Annotations

- Download with Marked as Resolved

Bug Fixes:

- Button to mark as resolved for General comment bug fix

- Externally created annotation highlight will turn purple in References once utilized

- PDFTron watermark will be no longer added to screen captures on Staging

- Label Pill length and content clipping issue fix

- Label Pill Tooltip Padding and content alignment issue fix


Released July 1st 2021

What’s New:

- Attachments Timestamps and Authors included

- Custom Content Properties per Library

- Main Upload Refresh

- Webviewer Server on Production

Bug Fixes:

- Comment panel should open when References and Attachment panel is in use

- Users will be able to create references for existing reference labels

- Modal display issue fix

- Webviewer rendering issue fix


Released June 10th 2021

What’s New:

- Reference Labels

- 3-Dot Menu for Annotation in reference document with delete and edit option

- Webviewer Server

- Multi-Select Content Properties input field for Audience

- Approval badges on Approval screen

Bug Fixes:

- Scroll bar will not show when search is active on Reference Navigator

- Extra scrollbars in Chrome on PC bug fix

- Info Tooltip positioning bug fix


Released May 13th 2021

What’s New:

- References Navigator allows Admin and Author users to easily view and upload reference documents

Bug Fixes:

- Blurry icon bug fix

- Linking additional references to existing annotation will be shown in Reference panel

- Date on Reference library thumbnail will be anchored to the created date instead of the updated date

- Error state rendering consistency bug fix


Released April 25th 2021

What’s New:

- The empty state for References Panels

Bug Fixes:

- Deactivated users will no longer get daily reminder notification

- Comments panel will not open in Notes in PDFTron viewer

- Renaming main documents and reference documents will be shown in Activity log

- Downloading reference documents as a wrong file type bug fix


Released April 15th 2021

What’s New:

- Auto-generated Job Number

Bug Fixes:

- Filter for Auto Job Number is available in approved documents


Released April 1st 2021

What’s New:

- Attachment tool that allows Admin and Author to attach related files in the sidebar

Bug Fixes:

- Switching users after login/logout bug fix

- Attachments will remain after a new version is uploaded


Released March 15th 2021

What’s New:

- Users in “Pending” status will be able to create a password by clicking “View content” button in email notification

- Data Warehouse

- Business Intelligence Tool

Bug Fixes:

- Metadata filters will not run off the page in Approved

- The user name of the very first commenter will be shown in Comment thread preview.

- Expired invitation link bug fix

- Reference viewer will have a dark scrollbar to match the rest of the page


Released February 22nd 2021

What’s New:

- Admin and Author users will have the option to disable welcome email when creating a new user

- “Settings link has moved” popup has been removed

Bug Fixes: 

- PDFTron keyboard shortcuts bug fix

- Uploading mp4/mov files will logged in Activity log

- Blank page of Old version of video file bug fix

- Adding new reference by uploading in Activity log bug fix


Released February 3rd 2021

What’s New: 

- Users will be able to download comments and references on a document

- Refactor reference fetching prior to loading PDFTron that will let annotations always load

- Comment panel for annotations created outside of Papercurve will be disabled when the annotation is selected

Bug Fixes:

- Input cursor in search box fix

- PDFTron keyboard shortcuts will be disabled when viewing documents

- Author users will have the ability to delete reference


Released January 19th 2021

What’s New:

- Warning message that Internet Explorer is not supported will be displayed on Internet Explorer

- Message indicating users that a library is empty

Bug Fixes:

- Misaligned and blurry Comments icon bug fixed in Safari

- Change error notification to the one with an exclamation mark in User Profile

- Adding additional reference to existing reference should be disabled in old versions and in Approved


Released January 7th 2021

What’s New:

- Ruby upgrade from 2.4.5 to 2.6.3

- PDFTron upgrade from 6.3.3 to 7.2.0

Bug Fixes:

- “Started a conversations” has been changed to “Started a comment thread” in Activity log

- General comments sidebar tally will be updated when changing versions

- Comment and Reference panel bug fix


Released December 17th 2020

What's New:

- Live chat is available on reference screen

- Highlight search terms in results in references

- Users will be able to link additional reference to existing annotation

- New my profile screen

- Users will be able to change their password in My Profile page

Bug Fixes:

- Updated Activity log - audit log terminology for comments and comment threads

- Generating PDF with comment annotations included in download

- Pressing enter key on approval password field should submit

- Autocapitalize in password field is turned off on login


Released December 2nd 2020

What's New:

- Mark comment as resolved from comment list

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed uneven padding and scrollbars

- Long list of references scrolls entire page


Released November 11th 2020

What's New:

- Rename General Comments to Comments in sidebar

- View list of comment threads for a document

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed blank page after clicking highlighted/pinned references


Released October 28th 2020

What's New:

- Shared References

Bug Fixes:

- Show error message on deleted version documents / documents that don't exist

- Pin drop tool disabled on previous versions


Released October 14th 2020

Bug Fixes:

- Apply full height sidebar styling to all sidebars

- For a previously created reference, when clicking on the full document, scroll to the correct page

- Downloading a document activity shows in Activity log sheet


Released September 30th 2020

What's New:

- Authors or Admins have the ability to reset a previously submitted review status

- The ability to submit approval on someone’s behalf has been removed to align with industry standards for regulatory compliance and records management requirements

Bug Fixes:

- When deleting a comment, the deleted comment from the panel will automatically be removed

- General comments approved docs can no longer be deleted

- Clicking @mention link will open the general comment


Released September 16th 2020

What's New:

- Communicate directly with your Customer Success Specialist through the Papercurve via our extended live chat support

- All approvals are signed by Electronic Signatures that are FDA CFR 21 Part 11 Compliant

Bug Fixes:

- Backend refactor per page generation processing

- 14mb PPTX hangs bug

- Go to activate account for users who have not set up password

- Padding consistency

- Zoom level persistence


Released August 21st 2020

What's New:

- The Mentions feature allows you to tag other users to bring them into the review discussion

Bug Fixes:

- Pindrop reference in previous version

- Layer feature appears in Panel in the Approved tab

- Viewers are now able to see metadata

- Fixed blurry icons for users using Safari web browser


Released August 13th 2020

What's New:

- The Activity Log feature helps you to view and track all create, delete, or update events that occur in Papercurve

- “Conversations” has been changed to “Comments”

- Users are now able to delete or upload new version of a failed video

- Updates to segment tracking

Bug Fixes:

- Release/Revoke status button fix

- An error notification will appear whenever there is a login issue

- Content due today will not be marked as overdue

- Removed error message from being displayed during attachment upload

- Authors can now rename documents


Released July 30th 2020

Bug Fixes:

- Users with the Author role can view reference documents


Released July 29th 2020

What's New

- Users will see popup notification before deleting comment/reference

- Each version will store it's own approval decision (approved, approved with changes, submit new version)

- Papercurve user profile will be linked to Hubspot user persona

- Users will be able to resend user invitations

- Users will be able to see "Pending Invitation" status for those who have not completed the sign up process

Bug Fixes:

- Library list sorting alphabetically

- Draft redirect from approved references

- Library reverts when editing tags

- Reference highlighting when closed

- Email templates avatar fix

- Permissions and library access label styling


Released July 22nd 2020

Bug Fixes:

- The deactivate user option has been restricted to users with Admin permissions

- Approved page goes to Draft


Released July 14th 2020

What's New:

- First time users will be prompted to create a password when clicking on any email notifications

- Update to User Settings (Role Selection UI Update)

- PDFTron upgrade 6.2.0 to 6.3.3

- Reviewers can add notes on New Version screen

- Notification Email Templates has been updated

- Users with Viewers and Authors roles are able to delete their own comments

Bug Fixes:

- Users on Chrome v83+ seem to be logged out when attempting to delete a document

- Sign out link inconsistencies has been resolved

- Should now be able to cancel reference creation

- Library added to content properties


Released June 30th 2020

What's New:

- We have implemented a backend Activity Log. This feature will track events using an activity log

- Deep linking comments

- Annotations now populate the names

- We have updated the the permissions feature. Users will no longer can go to a document they have not been invited to

Bug Fixes:

- Thumbnail crop

- Duplicate tags case sensitivity

- Video bugs fixed, Safari upload unlocked


Released June 15th 2020

What's New:

- Approval Screen Updates

- Upload notes (hidden)

- Approval notes (hidden)

Bug Fixes

- Respect comment line breaks

- Annotation loading hot fix

If you need further assistance, please submit a Ticket or contact your Customer Success Specialist directly